Our Instructors

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  • Elyse Mancini Ross, Owner

  • Yoga Instructor RYT 200

  • Reiki Master Practitioner

  • Certified Children’s breathwork, meditation, and yoga instructor

Elyse believes that through steady meditation, breathwork, and posture practice, we can form a healthier mind, body, and spirit. As an instructor, she helps students from ages 2-92 cultivate whole body awareness and encourages them to notice and nurture their own true nature. She is an advocate for wholesome foods, breath work for mental clarity, laughing often, and being as much of a student of yoga as a teacher.

After noticing the positive changes in her physical and mental health from her personal yoga practice, Elyse began to self-study and teach in early 2018. As her spiritual journey and practice began to evolve, she decided to earn her Registered Yoga Teacher 200-hour certification, Reiki Master Teacher attunement, and is also a Certified Children’s breathwork, meditation, and yoga instructor. She works full time in the Emotional Support Department of a local school and is committed to bringing non-judgmental and non-competitive yoga to the Beaver Valley area.

Elyse is thrilled to offer family friendly classes for the community in this space with mindfulness and safety at the forefront of her teachings. Off of the mat, you can find her gardening, learning about this world with her daughter, or satisfying her curiosities through her own practice and continued trainings. As the owner of Valley Om Yoga Studio, Elyse is thrilled to have small space with a lighthearted yet traditional atmosphere where expectations and competition are left at the door.